התמודדות עם משברים והתמודדות עם אובדן – מרכז שדה לניהול משברים אישיים – עדית שדה – עידית שדה – Edith Sadeh

How can we enjoy better lives? How can we create a change through the simplest things in life? How can we obtain insights based on 26 years of experience?
I invite you to lectures, in which you’ll be able to discover the way to live a better, healthier, happier and more successful life through simplicity, passion and taking joy in what you have.
My lectures are the fruit of treating hundreds of people and listening to their distresses in my clinic for over 26 years, and they are based on experience, knowledge and the gift God had endowed me with. I have delivered my lectures in various constellations, such as daycare centers, social welfare associations, private outfits and small business owners.
I found out that, no matter the issue that had brought a person to me initially, change is ultimately created through the simplest, most available things: those that are a part of us, inside us and around us.